Sugar will reduce the sweetness of your life: Know the bad effects of white sugar on the liver and heart, if you eat jaggery you will stay healthy for life
The jaggery strengthens the bones
According to Ayurveda, eating jaggery strengthens the liver
Even if a sweet meal puts a smile on your face, it can be detrimental to your health. Eating too much sugar is especially dangerous for health. Dietitian and nutritionist Shilpa Mittal says that eating jaggery is more beneficial than sugar ....
Sugar is a salt poison
It can be dangerous for your health if you have a sore throat and eat too much sugar. Excess sugar increases the risk of obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, fatty liver, bowel cancer and premature wrinkles.
Eat jaggery if not sugar
Eating jaggery instead of sugar is good for health. For this it is necessary to know the difference between sugar and jaggery. Dietitian Shilpa Mittal explains the difference between the two ...
Compared to sugar, jaggery digests more slowly and gives energy slowly. It keeps energy in the body for a long time. Sugar dissolves in the blood and the energy explodes. Therefore, children should not be given anything with sugar at bedtime as they become active immediately and forget to sleep.
Spheres contain iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, but sugar has no such properties. This is just a sweetener.
Jaggery is environmentally friendly, but the sugar industry pollutes the air, water and soil.
Jaggery helps in digestion. This is because the jaggery breaks down and becomes alkaline in the digestive tract. But the sugar becomes acidic.
Special properties of jaggery
Jaggery can be a good food supplement for a fitness lover.
It provides heat and energy for a long time without damaging the body parts.
The goulash acts like a cleansing agent in the body. Round cleanses the lungs, esophagus, stomach and intestines. This flushes out dust and unwanted particles from the body. This also relieves constipation.
Eating less jaggery after a heavy meal facilitates digestion.
According to Ayurveda, eating jaggery strengthens the liver.
Jaggery helps to create good acid balance. Eating jaggery with ginger relieves acidity and gas.
Round is eco-friendly. Sugarcane juice is boiled in an iron pot to form jaggery. Many gallons of water are wasted behind making sugar. It also destroys natural water resources.
The jaggery strengthens the bones. The magnesium, vitamin D, copper and zinc present in it keep the calcium in the body under control.
Helps prevent round strokes.
Round prevents asthma. Asthma patients will be able to normalize their breathing with the help of jaggery.
Round hemoglobin is high. It is rich in iron and is beneficial for anemic people.
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