Solar Light Trap Suryaprakas (URJA) trep sahay vitaran yojna 2020-2021
importance of agriculture and horticulture crops, the state government has introduced a 'solar light trap' for 'pest management' in various crops such as cotton, diwali castor and horticultural crops such as pomegranate, chilli, tomato, mango and vegetable crops. This is an effective method to control the number of pests and to prevent possible infestation as well as damage to the crop. Due to various measures taken by the state government, there has been a significant growth in the field of crops as well as horticultural crops. Apart from the major crops grown in Gujarat, horticultural crops include banana, mango, citrus, papaya and chiku. However, despite the careful efforts of the state government, the farmers of Gujarat have not been able to reap the fruits of their labor due to various levels of loss / waste and variable costing system. Can. A budget provision of Rs. The proposal of the Office of the Director of Agriculture to give administrative sanction to this scheme in the year 2020-21 was under consideration of the Government.
Eligibility of Farmer Beneficiary under the Scheme.
Solar Light Trap Suryaprakas (URJA) trep sahay vitaran yojna 2020 Eligibility of Farmer Beneficiary under the Scheme: The benefit of this scheme will be available to all farmers (including women and disabled farmers) holding land in the State. Beneficiary farmers will be entitled to the benefit only to one of the account holders mentioned in 8-A of their land subject to the consent of other account holders.
(3) Method of implementation of the scheme.
(a) Method of application by the beneficiary, The beneficiary farmer has to get the Solar Light Trap component, fill in the required details in the prescribed application form, get the recommendation in the Gram Sevak's certificate, submit the application to the authorized dealer.
(B) Procedure for obtaining Solar Light Trap In order to obtain Solar Light Trap, the beneficiary farmer has to purchase the Solar Light Trap component from the manufacturer or authorized seller of the manufacturer included in the appellant. The beneficiary farmer will have to cut and sell the solar light trap to the beneficiary keeping in view the above assistance standards.
The dealer will then have to immediately enter the details of the beneficiary, bill number, date, item etc. through his login account in the i-khedut portal. (A) The payment proposal and claim procedure will have to be submitted by the seller in the above details to the concerned office after deleting the print from his login account in i-khedut portal on-line entry in i-khedut. The competent authority should check the claim of assistance of the beneficiaries and send the certificate along with the signed coin to the concerned nodal agency through the District Agriculture Officer for payment.
Solar Light Trap Suryaprakas (URJA) trep sahay vitaran yojna 2020
(1) Review of the scheme
For the quarterly review of this scheme, quarterly review was to be done at the district level under the chairmanship of the District Development Officer and at the state level under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture).
(2) General Conditions and Dialects
(1) This scheme should be implemented in all the districts of the State,
(2) This scheme should be implemented at the district level by the District Agriculture Officer / Taluka Implementation Officer. The operation of the scheme will be monitored by the Joint Director of Agriculture (Extension).
(3) The district wise allocation of detailed financial as well as physical targets for the component of this scheme shall be made by the Director of Agriculture. The District Agriculture Officer will have to plan and allocate the target by taluka wise component wise as per the guideline of the scheme.
(4) The Taluka Implementing Officer shall maintain a register containin.
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